Thematic Area: AI, Blockchains, Legal Tech

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Reference No. of the Track: 38
Short Description:

This panel will focus on how emerging technologies like smart contracts, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies are transforming the legal landscape, particularly in relation to dispute resolution, contract law, and corporate governance in the digital business paradigm.As AI-driven technologies and decentralized financial tools reshape business models, traditional legal frameworks must adapt to [...]

Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrencies, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), AI-Driven Legal Automation, Digital Transactions, Legal Tech Innovation, Knowledge Creation
Flora Amato, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Marco Giacalone, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Gioia Arnone, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Emilia Richiello, University of Bologna, Italy