The proposed research work is intended to support a methodological development of digital 3D reconstruction by investigating (a) scenarios and practices for the employment of digital 3D reconstruction and visualization methods and approaches for scientific research in visual humanities, (b) to identify requirements and recommendations for digital tools, and (c) to develop and evaluate how to educate on the use of digital 3D reconstruction and visualization methods in visual humanities. The proposed paper presents preliminary results as well as research prospects from previous and ongoing work in which our department is involved in and which deal with various aspects of 3D reconstruction, primarily in the context of visual humanities. Research methods and approaches mainly derive from social sciences as for example social network analysis, quantitative and qualitative content analysis, and Grounded Theory. Moreover, various methods from usability engineering as well as from business informatics are employed. An overarching objective of our research work is to draw a currently outstanding “big picture” on digital 3D reconstruction and visualization and related “knowledge” issues by combining both theoretically and practically grounded research parts as well as including multi-disciplinary perspectives. Against this background, this article is intended to provide a structured overview of previous and future research activities within our department as well as preliminary results. With regards to the described activities, an intended outcome of the proposed research work is to contribute to a comprehensive discourse on a unique epistemology of digital 3D reconstruction in visual humanities as well as to deliver related practically tested implications for software design and education as well as methodological and organizational settings.