IFKAD editions

IFKAD 2016

Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity

Dresden, Germany


The 11th edition of the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD – 2016) addressed three key topics leading towards a new architecture of knowledge: big data, culture and creativity. In view of radically changing demands on knowledge work as an eminent factor for personal, organizational, and societal success its patterns have to be rethought. New ways of creating, processing, and sharing knowledge must be discovered beyond the classic paths of established disciplines
A core driver for rethinking and innovating knowledge work is the increasing interdependence of big data, culture, and creativity. Ubiquitous information and communication technologies produce an ever-expanding amount of data, whose value is hard to tap with principles of conventional data processing – but how to design new methods of analysis? Organizational and community culture is a decisive frame for unprejudiced and venturesome intra- and entrepreneurship, which may result in disruptive solutions – but how to display and nurture the volatile facets of culture? Finally, creativity is one of the remaining human faculties that cannot be replaced by computers by now – but how to reach higher levels of creativity and discover new application fields?
To answer these questions IFKAD 2016 provided a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to present and reflect original approaches, models and tools for knowledge-based value drivers. To overcome interdisciplinary barriers and to enable a dynamic exchange between the participants systerious methods of knowledge transfer were practically applied at this years conference. This includes interactive sessions, co-creation and open conference formats.

Key Themes

  • Architectures of Knowledge
  • Arts-based Management: arts in business
  • Big Data analysis
  • Collective Ideation and Co-Creation
  • Creativity as a driver for knowledge work and education
  • Crowd-based innovation and creativity
  • Culture as a driver for innovation and economic value creation
  • Design methods for knowledge creation and visualisation
  • Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Incubation
  • ICT in learning and education
  • Information Management and Business Intelligence
  • Internet of Things and smart application fields
  • Inter-organisational Knowledge Transfer
  • Knowledge creation, processing and sharing
  • Knowledge Management and Transfer
  • Networks and Communities
  • Organizational Learning
  • Regional Economic Development
  • Smart City and Smart Business
  • Spatial Catalysers for knowledge work
  • Social Innovation, Change and Sustainability
  • Urban Big Data Solutions

Special Tracks

Big Data: the Business Challenge
Organized by:
Andrea De Mauro | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Marco Greco | University of Cassino and the Southern Lazio, Italy
Michele Grimaldi | University of Cassino and the Southern Lazio, Italy

Organizational strategy and knowledge strategy: The cultural impact
Organized by:
Lajos Szabó | Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Anikó Csepregi | University of Pannonia, Hungary

The Role of Social Media in KM: Exploring Benefits and Challenges
Organized by:
Susanne Durst | University of Skövde, Sweden
Helio Aisenberg Ferenhof | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Internet of Things and Culture: innovation in service experience
Organized by:
Francesco Bifulco | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Tiziana Russo Spena | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Marco Tregua | University of Naples Federico II, Italy

New learning cultures, competence development; high performance organizations
Organized by:
Peter Pawlowsky | University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany
Aylin Gözalan | University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany

Creative Architectures for Knowledge Transfer and Learning
Organized by:
Angelo Bonfanti | University of Verona, Italy
Rossella Canstrino | Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Pierpaolo Magliocca | University of Foggia, Italy
Antonella Russo | Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Cristina Simone | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Innovations in Organizational Knowledge Management
Organized by:
Tatiana Gavrilova | St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Dmitry Kudryavtsev | St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Anna Menshikova | St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Ettore Bolisani | University of Padua, Italy

Creative Coordination
Organized by:
Allan Owens | Centre for Research in to Education, Creativity and the Arts through Practice
Anne Pässilä | Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Jukka-Pekka Heikkilä | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Managing knowledge integration and disruptive change in emerging markets
Organized by:
Ashish Malik | Newcastle University, Australia
Rebecca Mitchell | Newcastle University, Australia
Brendan Boyle | Newcastle University, Australia

Unpacking the black box of creativity process: people, physical environments and ICT
Organized by:
Alena Siarheyeva | ISEN-Toulon, France
Guillaume Pérocheau | ISEN-Toulon, France
Martine Gadille | Aix Marseille University, France
Han van der Meer | Delft University of Technology, The Netherland
Joerg Rainer Noennig | Dresden University of Technology, Germany

Visual knowledge media
Organized by:
Sander Münster | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Joerg Rainer Noennig | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Anja Jannack | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Jan Wodziak | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Florian Niebling | University of Würzburg, Germany

SynCity2016: Knowledge-based Methods for Urban Data Synchronisation and Future City Visioning
Organized by:
Jörg Rainer Noennig | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Monika Kustra | Open University of Catalonia, Spain

Knowledge Communities I – Knowledge Management
Organized by:
Eric Schoop | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Thomas Köhler | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Nina Kahnwald | DVUG Academy Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Sander Münster | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Stefan Ehrlich | KRC – Knowledge Research Center, Germany

Knowledge Communities II – Online Education
Organized by:
Nina Kahnwald | DVUG Academy Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Thomas Köhler | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Eric Schoop | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Lars Schlenker | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Stefan Ehrlich | KRC – Knowledge Research Center, Germany

Generating Knowledge from Big Data
Organized by:
Andreas Hilbert | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Barbara Dinter | Chemniz University of Technology, Germany
Kai Heinrich | Dresden University of Technology, Germany

Big data, culture, creativity in a gender perspective
Organized by:
Paola Paoloni | Niccolo Cusano University, Italy
Paola Demartini | Roma Tre University, Italy
Francesca Maria Cesaroni | Urbino University, Italy

Architecture under demographic change: Interdisciplinary research as a key factor to create elderly-friendly healthcare environments
Organized by:
Gesine Marquardt | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Kathrin Büter | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Tom Motzek | Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Congsi Hou | Dresden University of Technology, Germany

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Tatiana Gavrilova (BS, MS, PhD, Sc.D) is a Head of Information Technologies in Management Department at Graduate School of Management (GSOM) in St. Petersburg University. Dr. Gavrilova has more than 200 publications in the field of knowledge engineering and knowledge management. Her research interests deal with visual knowledge codification and structuring using the cognitive approach. She is a project leader of several research projects funded by Russian foundation for Basic Research and Russian Scientific Foundation.
Dr. Gavrilova was twice a visiting Fulbright research scholar in the USA universities. She was also visiting and lecturing professor in Japan, USA, France, Italy, Qatar, Finland, Poland and Estonia. Her trainings and master-classes (2007-2016) on visual thinking were held on Siemens Business Services, BAT, VTB, RZD and other big multinational companies.

Professor of Information Management, Director, Learning Laboratory. Cass Business School, City University London
After taking a Masters degree in management, he trained as an accountant and was Young Accountant of the Year in 1976. Following six years as a Director of Finance and IT, he moved to the Business School in 1988. His research is into the strategic exploitation of information systems, knowledge management and management learning. He has managed a number of large applied research projects including a major research project for the Institute of Directors, examining the IT needs of executives and as research director of the European Union’s 1.6m euro study PRISM (Measurement and Reporting of Intangibles). Professor Holtham has been one of the leading architects of the “electronic boardroom”, involving the use of information technology by executives in meetings. He has been heavily involved in the interface between the fine arts and management, including developing and leading ing an acclaimed MBA Elective “The Art of Management”.
He has been an adviser to the European Parliament on e-learning, and was named as one of the UK’s top 3 “e-tutors of the year” by the Times Higher Education Supplement in 2001. As part of the conceptualisation of the new building for the business school, he extensively researched the nature of space for knowledge work. He was appointed as the inaugural Director of the Cass Business School Learning Laboratory in 2002. In 2003 he was awarded a UK National Teaching Fellowship as one of the 20 leading university teachers in the UK. He was co-founder and a board member of the innovative informal learning network knowhownonprofit.org.
He is author of a large number of publications, and lectures, broadcasts and consults in the UK and internationally. He was a founding member of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, the City of London’s 100th livery company.

Kathrin M. Moeslein holds the Chair for Information Systems I – Innovation & Value Creation at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. She is also a member of the team of directors of the Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
She is Fellow of EURAM (European Academy of Management) and currently serves among others as board member of EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management), member of the standing committee “Research and the Promotion of Young Academics” of the German Rector’s Conference (HRK), member of the advisory boards of the Peter Pribilla Foundation at TU Munich, of the Fraunhofer IIS-SCS, Erlangen, and the Cambridge Service Alliance (CSA) an der University of Cambridge.
She has been researching, teaching and consulting in the field of strategic innovation and innovation systems since the early 1990s. Her current research focuses on innovation, cooperation and leadership systems. Her teaching covers topics like innovation design, interactive value creation as well as the implementation of innovation strategies and technologies as well as leadership systems in organizations.

Fritz Straub, Managing Director Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau GmbH. Born in Saarbrücken, Germany in 1943.
After his Abitur (equivalent to British ‘A Levels) and an apprentice ship industrial management assistance he works at Hoechst AG (pharmacy sector).
Several posts at Hoechst AG, involving ten years abroad in Thailand, Pakistan and Spain. Latest position Managing Director International Marketing and Sales.
Chairman of the Board of Management of Madaus AG (pharmacy sector) in Cologne from 1988 until 1991.
Managing Director of Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau since the reprivatisation of the company in 1992.

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eBook Proceedings IFKAD 2016

Proceedings IFKAD 2016, Dresden, Germany 15-17 June 2016
Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity
ISBN: 978-88-96687-09-3, ISSN 2280-787X
pdf eBook
