IFKAD editions

IFKAD 2020

Knowledge in Digital Age

Matera, Italy


The 15th edition of IFKAD aimed to represent a space of inspiration and knowledge, as well as an ‘agora’ of learning, networking and sharing where experts, entrepreneurs, professionals and academics meet to discuss about why and how technologies and digital transformation may act as levers to innovate, transform and improve knowledge management systems, working schemes, innovation processes, business models and customer-orientation, as well as to understand how public organizations may improve their level of efficiency and the value provided to the citizens, making government more transparent and responsive, trying to raise quality of life and, accordingly, drive territorial development and positive change in society.
The main goal of IFKAD 2020 was to forge a strong connection between theory and management, enhancing and promoting the transfer of research results to real-world management practices and policies, drawing together scholars who are working at the forefront of research domain with the emerging business and government challenges, such as knowledge divide, threats to privacy, and the potential loss of diversity of knowledge.

Key Themes

  • Knowledge management and digital transformation
  • Managing knowledge for open innovation
  • Knowledge and new technologies for business model innovation
  • Knowledge and intellectual capital for 21st-century organisations: characteristics, approaches and frameworks;
  • Knowledge value drivers and knowledge management processes: new theories and practices;
  • Digital Strategies and Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge management strategy for sustainable and inclusive growth of organisations and communities;
  • Knowledge management and innovation capacity;
  • New technologies to support creation, sharing, and exploitation of knowledge for sustainable value creation dynamics;
  • Knowledge management systems, ICT and digitalisation;
  • Inter-organisational knowledge dynamics;
  • Entrepreneurship and digital transformation
  • Intellectual Capital Management: new evidence and applications;
  • Organisational learning at the time of digitalisation;
  • Human resources management, collective intelligence and organisational design;
  • Arts-based management approaches and tools for knowledge management and organisational development in the digital era;
  • Design thinking methods for innovation and knowledge creation and visualisation;
  • Knowledge management and Intellectual Capital-based models for the sustainable and inclusive development of regions and cities;
  • Knowledge management and social innovation;
  • New technologies for managing knowledge in education.

Special Tracks

Smart and Digital Public Administration
Nathalie Colasanti | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Rocco Frondizi | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Gabriele Palozzi | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Big Social Data for Value Creation in the Digital Era
Francesco Cappa | Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy
Gianluca Elia | University of Salento, Italy
Michele Grimaldi | University of Cassino and the Southern Lazio, Italy
Luca Iandoli | St. John’s University, USA
Raffaele Oriani | Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy
Gianluca Solazzo | University of Salento, Italy

Knowledge Assets in Healthcare Digital Innovation: New Wine in Old Bottles?
Lorella Cannavacciuolo | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Emanuela Foglia | LIUC – Università Cattaneo, Italy
Carmela Piccolo | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Alessandro Stefanini | University of Pisa, Italy
Rossella Onofrio | Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Carmela Di Mauro | University of Catania, Italy

Unveiling the digital transformation of organizations across multiple-level of analysis
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli | Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Gianluca Murgia | University of Siena, Italy
Eva Panetti | University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Adele Parmentola | University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

MIKE: Managing Innovations and Knowledge in Education
Nazeeh Ghatasheh | The University of Jordan, Jordan
Ismail AlTaharwa | The University of Jordan, Jordan
Khaled Aldebei | The University of Jordan, Jordan

Rediscovering smart and sustainable communities for knowledge and value creation, social innovation and inclusion
Mauro Romanelli | University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Alexandra Zbuchea | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania

New Technologies and Entrepreneurship: Exploring Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Knowledge in the Digital Era
Ciro Troise | University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Mario Tani | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Sergey A. Yablonsky | GSOM St.Petersburg University, Russia
Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh | IÉSEG School of Management, France

Gender issues in the digital age
Paola Paoloni | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Silvia Solimene | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Francesca Dal Mas | University of Lincoln, UK

Knowledge-Based Economic and Social Transformations in Emerging Countries
Gregorio Varvakis | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Klaus North | Wiesbaden Business School, Germany
Guillermo Davila | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Ana Santos | Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador
Viviana Espinoza | Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador

Knowledge exchange dynamics between universities and territory stakeholders. Practices, constraints and results in organizing, using and reporting knowledge for the territory sustainable development
Laura Corazza | University of Torino, Italy
Maria Franca Norese | Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
Paolo Saluto | Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
Maurizio Cisi | Polytechnic of Turin, Italy

Diversity and Sustainability under the influence of Globalization
Petia Genkova | University of Apllied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany
Stefanie Wesselmann | University of Apllied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany
Daniela Gröschke | University Jena, Germany

European Capitals of Culture: approaches, models and experiences of analysis and impact evaluation
Daniela Carlucci | University of Basilicata, Italy
Maria Valeria Minnini | University of Basilicata, Italy
Carmelo Petraglia | University of Basilicata, Italy

Accounting, Big Data and Neuroscience
Paola Dameri | University of Genoa, Italy
Paola Demartini | Roma Tre University, Italy
Andrea De Mauro |University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Riccardo Palumbo | University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Knowledge and Blockchain for business model innovation
Michal Krčál | Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Ahad Zareravasan | Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Mouzhi Ge | Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Managing projects in the digital age: knowledge integration in complex work environments
Paolo Canonico | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Mario Pezzillo Iacono | University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Vincenza Esposito | University of Sannio, Italy
Antonio Bassi | Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Anna-Maija Nisula | LUT University, Finland

Supply chains at the reversal point?!
Susanne Durst | University West, Sweden
Ann Svensson | University West, Sweden
Pietro Evangelista | National Research Council, Italy

Managing Knowledge in Complex Systems: Recent Developments and Empirical Evidence
Barbara Bigliardi | University of Parma, Italy
Giovanna Ferraro | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Alessia Naccarato | University of Rome Tre, Italy
Cristina Ponsiglione | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Linda Ponta | University Carlo Cattaneo LIUC, Italy

The Digital Transformation of Performance Measurement: Outlining a Research Agenda for New Challenges in Sustainable Organizations
Rosa Lombardi | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Giustina Secundo | University of Salento, Italy
Florinda Matos | ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal
Martin Piber | University of Innsbruck, Austria

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Klaus North is Professor of International Management at Wiesbaden Business School, Germany. His current research covers knowledge and innovation management, particularly in digital transformation contexts. He was founding president of the German Knowledge Management Association and scientific director of the German Knowledge Management Award. He has published 12 books and numerous papers. He frequently consults with major firms, governments and international organizations and teaches regularly in business programs internationally. In the last 20 years he has contributed to more than 200 knowledge management initiatives around the world.

Prof. Tatiana Gavrilova (BS, MS, PhD, Sc.D) is a Head of Information Technologies in Management Department at Graduate School of Management (GSOM) in St. Petersburg University. Dr. Gavrilova has more than 200 publications in the field of knowledge engineering and knowledge management. Her research interests deal with visual knowledge codification and structuring using the cognitive approach. She is a project leader of several research projects funded by Russian foundation for Basic Research and Russian Scientific Foundation.
Dr. Gavrilova was twice a visiting Fulbright research scholar in the USA universities. She was also visiting and lecturing professor in Japan, USA, France, Italy, Qatar, Finland, Poland and Estonia. Her trainings and master-classes (2007-2016) on visual thinking were held on Siemens Business Services, BAT, VTB, RZD and other big multinational companies.

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eBook Proceedings IFKAD 2020

Proceedings IFKAD 2020, Matera, Italy 9-11 September 2020
Knowledge In Digital Age
ISBN: 978-88-96687-13-0, ISSN 2280-787X
pdf eBook
