Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Performance Management
IFKAD 2007 Matera, Italy || 22 June 2007 - 23 June 2007
The 2nd IFKAD aimed to represent a cognitive laboratory and a learning platform to discuss, understand and further develop the relevance of the intellectual capital in today’s economy.
The main purpose of the IFKAD 2007 wass to provide a unique international opportunity for the exchange of cutting edge knowledge and research about the role, theory and practice of Intellectual Capital management and measuring for sustaining performance improvement and value creation dynamics of companies as well as of nations, regions, clusters, local production systems and industrial districts and cities.
Key Themes
- Intellectual Capital and Performance Improvement
- Intellectual Capital and Innovation Management
- Approaches, Techniques and Tools for Intellectual Capital Management and Measurement
- Intellectual Capital and Regional and Urban Development