Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Connecting the Knowledge Dots

IFKAD 2015 Bari, Italy || 10 June 2015 - 12 June 2015


The theme of the 10th edition of the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD – 2015) aimed to explore the role and the relations of three fundamental pillars of the success of XXI century organisations: culture, innovation and entrepreneurship. They serve each other and dynamically through a system of direct and indirect relationships. The relevance of these three dimensions for competitiveness is not new. However, in today’s complex and volatile economic era the capacity of organisations, cities and territories of combining and integrating culture, innovation and entrepreneurship represent a fundamental source of sustainable value creation. They define three fundamental knowledge domains shaping and affecting learning organisational systems.
Culture interpreted as the overall cultural and artistic activities and form of expressions contributes to explain how people’s creativity and humanity characteristics are explicated. In this light, culture denotes the knowledge domain related to humanities, arts and design whose relevance can be viewed in relation to its direct and indirect contribution to the development of creative capacity for organizational value creation. In relation to culture, innovation represents the knowledge domain translating into action, through application and exploitation, novel creative ideas and solutions in order to drive prosperity. Finally, entrepreneurship defines the people’s mindset of being open mind, risk taking, and change-oriented. This also involves a forward-looking thinking, rather than a short-oriented approach, as well as a critical thinking able both to analyze and foresee opportunities and to shape new possibilities for growth.
Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, the theme of IFKAD2015 encourages us to propose studies that can support the understanding of the new value drivers affecting the value creation dynamics of XXI century organisations both at micro and macro level. This entails the investigation both from theory and practice of the approaches, models and tools for managing and synergistically integrating culture, innovation and entrepreneurships.

Key Themes

  • Arts-based Management: arts in business
  • Creative entrepreneurship
  • Culture as a driver for economic value creation and growth
  • Culture as a driver for innovation
  • Culture, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development
  • Entrepreneurial Learning and Education
  • ICT, learning, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Integration of the arts and technology for innovation processes
  • Knowledge Management practices in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge-perspective of sustainable growth for 21st century organizations: characteristics and applications
  • Learning methodologies supporting the development of a creative entrepreneurial spirit
  • Managing culture to support entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Models, approaches, methods and tools to support sharing, creation and exploitation of knowledge for entrepreneurship and innovation development
  • Organisational learning for innovation
  • Social change and sustainability
  • Territory attractiveness of talents and direct investments

Special Tracks

Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Challenges in the Creative Industries
Organized by:
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay | Teluq-University of Québec, Canada
Amina Yagoubi | Teluq-University of Québec, Canada

Knowledge Leakage in Organizations
Organized by:
Susanne Durst | University of Skövde, Sweden
Lena Aggestam | University of Skövde, Sweden
Eric Tsui | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Project and Knowledge Management, a shared approach, to improve the enterprise innovation
Organized by:
Antonio Bassi | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in tertiary higher education: connecting the knowledge dots
Organized by:
Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor | Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, Portugal
Dennis Gregory | Old Dominion University, USA

Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a gendered perspective
Organized by:
Paola Paoloni | Niccolò Cusano University, Italy
Paola Demartini | Roma Tre University, Italy
Francesca Maria Cesaroni | Urbino University “Carlo Bo”, Italy

Innovation networks, clusters and ecosystems: managing the dynamics of intangible assets in open innovation contexts
Organized by:
Vincenzo Corvello | University of Calabria, Italy
Michele Grimaldi | University of Cassino and the Southern Lazio, Italy

Managing Knowledge for Innovation: the role of Culture and Cultural Diversities
Organized by:
Angelo Bonfanti | University of Verona, Italy
Rossella Canestrino | Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
Pierpaolo Magliocca | University of Foggia, Italy
Lorenzo Neri | University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Antonella Russo | Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

Why bother about culture in SMEs and micro firms? Innovation, culture and entrepreneurial dynamics in regional development
Organized by:
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas | Institute for Advanced Social Studies, Spain
Madelon van Oostrom | Tenerife Science and Technology Park, Spain
Hugo Pinto | University of Coimbra, Portugal

Collective Intelligence Systems for Technology Entrepreneurship
Organized by:
Gianluca Elia | University of Salento, Italy
Fabio Fumarola | University of Bari, Italy
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli | Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Karim Moustaghfir | Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco

Creativity and innovative mindset for entrepreneurship: enabling factors, processes and environment
Organized by:
Giustina Secundo | University of Salento, Italy
Flemming K. Fink | Aarhus University, Denmark
Lars Frederiksen | Aarhus University, Denmark
Helle Neergaard | Aarhus University, Denmark
Pasquale Del Vecchio | University of Salento, Italy

Sustainability as a driver for different forms of innovation
Organized by:
Rosa Maria Dangelico | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Fabio Nonino | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Crossing the language and cultural barriers: Innovative approaches to blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge
Organized by:
Ivan Obradović | University of Belgrade, Serbia
Ranka Stanković | University of Belgrade, Serbia
Giovanni Schiuma | University of the Arts London, UK
Roberto Linzaloen | University of Basilicata, Italy
Danijela Milošević | University of Kragujevac, Serbia

Innovation and cultural entrepreneurship – the core of a knowledge society
Organized by:
Ramona-Diana Leon | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Florina Pinzaru | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Alexandra Zbuchea | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania

Innovation Ecosystems: concepts, models, and knowledge practices
Organized by:
Francesco Bifulco | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Tiziana Russo Spena | University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Marco Tregua | University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Innovations in corporate disclosure
Organized by:
John Dumay | Macquarie University, Australia
Rosa Lombardi | Link Campus University, Italy

Sustainability entrepreneurship – the role of culture in searching for innovation opportunities
Organized by:
Alena Klapalová | Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Radoslav Škapa | Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Viktor Kulhavý | Masaryk University, Czech Republic

IC valuation, corporate governance, knowledge, and intangible assets
Organized by:
Raffaele Trequattrini | University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Fabrizio Rossi | University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Domenico Celenza | University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Exploring the Drivers of Complexity in Economic and Financial Networks: Models and Empirics
Organized by:
Ilaria Giannoccaro | Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Giorgio Fagiolo | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy

Business Models Innovation in Creative and Cultural Organizations
Organized by:
Antonio Lerro | University of Basilicata, Italy
Giovanni Schiuma | University of Arts London, UK

Collective coordination through space: environments of collaboration and creativity
Organized by:
Jörg Rainer Noennig | Dresden Univeristy of Technology, Germany
Anja Jannack | Dresden Univeristy of Technology, Germany

Keynote Speakers

Noennig, Jörg Rainer
Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Pietronero, Luciano
University of Rome Sapienza, Italy
Stahle, Pirjo
Aalto University, Finland
Viedma Marti, Jose Maria
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
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eBook Proceedings IFKAD 2015

Proceedings IFKAD 2015, Bari, Italy 10-12 June 2015
Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Connecting the Knowledge Dots
ISBN: 978-88-96687-07-9, ISSN 2280-787X
pdf eBook
