Juan Manuel López Zafra is the Head of Economics Affairs from the Region of Madrid. He holds a PhD in Economics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and is an Associate Professor (on leave) from that University. He is the author of two books: Return to the Gold Standard (Deusto, 2014) and Alquimia (as co-author; Deusto, 2019), perhaps the greatest current exponent in the Spanish language of the importance that data science, and big data analytics have. He has also been a full professor at CUNEF, where he was also co-Chief Data Officer, co-director of the Master in Data Science for Finance, the Executive Program in Data Science and Digital Transformation, and the Master in Data Science, and has also taught at the San Pablo CEU University, at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and at the Comillas Pontifical University – ICADE. He has supervised four doctoral theses. In 2007 he founded the consulting firm Statpro 2000 Clima SL to provide both training and analysis services in the area of data science, analytics and big data. His Twitter account @jmlopezzafra has been voted since 2015 as #Twecos, the most important on Twitter for economic analysis.