José M. Viedma is a Doctor of Industrial Engineering, a graduate in Economics and Professor of Strategic Management of Intangibles at UPC Polytechnic University of Catalonia and UPC School of Professional & Executive Development in Barcelona, Spain. He has held top executive positions in computer services and management consultancy firms. He is president and founding partner of the “Intellectual Capital Management System” and founding partner of M&A Fusiones y Adquisiciones. He is also founding member of “The new club of Paris”, CISC (Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento) and IAKM (International Association for Knowledge Management). Jose teaches and researches on the subject of knowledge management and intellectual capital management at the micro level and knowledge economy and knowledge based development at the macro level. He is an advisory board member for a number of journals. His current field of interest is focused on the strategic management of knowledge, intellectual capital and intangible assets practical research and he has consulted and developed a number of management frameworks and systems worldwide. His international research has crystallized in practical methodologies such as ICBS, SCBS, CICBS, RICBS and NICBS. Further information can be found in: