Advancing Insights in Organizational Behavior, Technologies and Knowledge Management
Knowledge, behaviors, and technology often represent three interdependent pillars of an organization’s daily operations. Organization members serve as the primary agents, custodians, and users of knowledge, and their behavior significantly influences the organization’s capacity to generate, share, and apply knowledge effectively (Kaushal & Nyoni, 2022). As digital technologies increasingly mediates these processes, digital platforms and tools play a critical role in knowledge management (KM). For instance, an organizational culture that encourages the collaboration among organization members and stresses the use of advanced technological systems can greatly enhance the development and sharing of knowledge. In organizations where the individuals feel comfortable using technology to identify, create and share knowledge, the knowledge base available for organizational use expands, utlimatley further driving innovation and effectiveness. Moreover, technology-driven KM systems can enhance employee performance (Capolupo et al., 2023), motivation, and satisfaction by providing the people with real-time access to critical information and resources (Serenko, 2023).
Knowledge, behaviors and technology must be addressed together to optimize organizational effectiveness (Durst et al., 2023). Organizations that invest in cultivating positive behaviors (Durst et al., 2024) and leveraging technology to support KM are better equipped to create, share, and utilize knowledge, which in turn generates competitive advantage (Abdul-Jalal et al., 2013).
The relationship between KM, organizational behavior, and technology integration has been a focal point in both academic and practical discussions. Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995) argue that organizations fostering a culture of collaboration and trust, paired with effective technological tools, are more likely to have employees who are willing to share knowledge. Similarly, Davenport & Prusak (1998) suggest that KM systems that integrate advanced technological platforms enable swift and easy knowledge sharing, which fosters a sense of community and teamwork. Furthermore, Alavi & Leidner (2001) emphasize that technology-enhanced KM programs provide leaders with up-to-date information and skills, thereby improving decision-making capabilities.
Despite these benefits, organizations frequently encounter barriers in aligning technology with KM and behavior. Barriers may include, for instance organizational behaviors that prioritize competition over collaboration; inadequate digital literacy among employees or willingness to employ technology; a lack of incentives for using knowledge management tools; technological infrastructure that hinders the free exchange of relevant information and knowledge (Durst & Zieba, 2019; Borgia et al., 2022). Leaving these obstacles unaddressed may impact an organization’s ability to effectively acquire, disseminate, and utilize knowledge across technological platforms.
Building on these observations, this track invites to contribute to the ongoing debate on knowledge management, organizational behavior, and technology. Contributions are encouraged to, e.g., explore the behavioral and technological factors that either promote or obstruct effective knowledge sharing and management in organizations.
Susanne Durst, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Francesca Di Virgilio, University of Molise, Italy
Angelo Rosa, LUM University Giuseppe Degennaro, Italy
Nicola Capolupo, University of Salerno, Italy