Knowledge Management in Supply Chains
In technological transformations Industry 5.0 should bring us towards a sustainable, humancentric and resilient European industry (European Commission, 2021). Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Knowledge Management (KM) are two management concepts that aim to support the company in its efforts to efficiently meet the requirements of a fast-changing world, in order to be competitive (Shashi et al, 2020). SCM aims to increase collaboration, where sharing knowledge is a cornerstone. A Supply Chain (SC) includes tangible resources and assets, as well as intangibles, such as knowledge (Wu, 2008). In the digital age, when critical assets have dematerialized, and the most valuable asset is knowledge (Marchegiani, 2021), this is, if possible, even more important than ever. This means that to achieve the goals associated with collaboration, for example, in SC, knowledge sharing is needed (Ritala et al, 2015).
The Supply Chain context is important because it challenges us to consider knowledge management beyond a focal organization, i.e. Knowledge Management (KM) must go beyond the focal firm and consider the whole Supply Chain (SC). For many companies, the possibility of being competitive is often more dependent on the extended Supply Chain than in their own operations. It is critical to collaborate with customers and suppliers, developing trust and developing partnership. Furthermore, even if the advantages of sharing knowledge when participating in a SC are well established in the literature, the challenge of knowledge leakage, and show to manage it, is still in its infancy (Aggestam, 2020).
One important perspective is sustainability and recycling. For example, both society and customers have increased their demands related to sustainability, but that the response must involve the whole Supply Chain. To respond to this challenge, Supply Chains need to treat knowledge as a critical resource (Pedroso et al., 2018). Consequently, companies must start to share knowledge more systematically with suppliers and customers to achieve a more effective Supply Chain. To do this companies need to develop new business models and new thinking around business models (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). This in turn requires that the company manage their knowledge resources in an efficient and effective way so appropriate knowledge is available to those who need it when they need it, i.e. perform collaborating Knowledge Management (KM).
This track focuses on KM in SC in order to develop effective and efficient SC. To address this, a holistic approach using systems thinking is necessary.
We encourage submissions as follows, but are not limited to:
- How can the focal firm manage knowledge in order to understand and manage demands in the whole of the SC?
- What knowledge needs to be shared in order to build efficient production from a SC perspective?
- How can knowledge loss and knowledge leakage be managed in the SC?
- How can KM enhance cultures differences when working in global SC?
- Methods and tools to support KM in the SC context
- How to perform collaborating Knowledge Management beyond the focal firm?
- How can companies share knowledge in order to develop sustainable Supply Chain?
- New business model for Knowledge Management (KM) in Supply Chain.
Lena Aggestam, University West, Sweden
Ann Svensson,University West, Sweden
Leif-Magnus Jensen,University West, Sweden