Special track detais

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Management and Organisational Behaviour

Thematic Area: KM, AI and Organizations
Reference No. of the Track: 33


In the context like the current one, the knowledge is the most important resource to create a sustainable competitive advantage (Argote & Ingram, 2000), in fact in literature, knowledge management is defined as a faster, improved and cheaper path to greater organizational performance (Coulson, 2013).
Emerging technologies, such as the interconnectedness of machines and their ability to autonomously learn and share information, can have a positive impact on business performance and, if used appropriately, represent an opportunity in organizational behavior (Philip, 2022).
When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI), we refer to machines that perform cognitive functions typically associated with the human mind, such as learning, interaction, and problem-solving (Nilsson, 1971).
Its application in organizational contexts brings new challenges, especially in terms of its ability to manage knowledge and information that can revolutionize business processes. To seize the opportunities of AI, companies need to respond to several imperatives, including a change in organizational culture; ensuring an objective and shared measurement of the impact of AI on the organization; accelerating the modernization and competency of organizational members; and finally, providing support to teams through mission redefinition, training, communication and dialogue, promoting the acceptance and daily adoption of such tools.
This special track aims to explore the challenges of AI integration and barriers, understand how AI changes organizational behavior and knowledge management, the current level of application, and discuss best practices for its deployment, acceptance and ownership of these tools.
In the context like the current one, the knowledge is the most important resource to create a sustainable competitive advantage (Argote & Ingram, 2000), in fact in literature, knowledge management is defined as a faster, improved and cheaper path to greater organizational performance (Coulson, 2013).
Emerging technologies, such as the interconnectedness of machines and their ability to autonomously learn and share information, can have a positive impact on business performance and, if used appropriately, represent an opportunity in organizational behavior (Philip, 2022).
When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI), we refer to machines that perform cognitive functions typically associated with the human mind, such as learning, interaction, and problem-solving (Nilsson, 1971).
Its application in organizational contexts brings new challenges, especially in terms of its ability to manage knowledge and information that can revolutionize business processes. To seize the opportunities of AI, companies need to respond to several imperatives, including a change in organizational culture; ensuring an objective and shared measurement of the impact of AI on the organization; accelerating the modernization and competency of organizational members; and finally, providing support to teams through mission redefinition, training, communication and dialogue, promoting the acceptance and daily adoption of such tools.
This special track aims to explore the challenges of AI integration and barriers, understand how AI changes organizational behavior and knowledge management, the current level of application, and discuss best practices for its deployment, acceptance and ownership of these tools.
We welcome papers that focus on highlighting the impact of AI on knowledge management and organisational behaviour. We invite contributions that advance, challenge or change our understanding of knowledge management by challenging fundamental assumptions and fundamental questions in organizational theory.

Documents may address issues related to (but not limited to) the following questions:

  • How does AI, as a competitive strategic factor, impact knowledge?
  • How can the relationship between knowledge management and AI impact organizations?
  • How can the relationship between knowledge management and AI impact organizational behavior
  • How does AI impact corporate culture and the workplace?
  • What ethical and social implications can AI have in companies?
  • How much knowledge is used in implementing AI in organizations
  • What are the emerging models in knowledge management in the AI era

The subtheme aims to stimulate a constructive dialogue around conceptual and empirical research on these and related issues. New high-quality contributions are warmly invited in the early and later stages of development.

AI, Organization Behavior, knowledge management


Sabrina Bonomi, University eCampus, Italy
Concetta Lucia Cristofaro, University eCampus, Italy
Michelle Grillo, University eCampus, Italy
Alessia Talarico, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy

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