Shaping the Future: Adapting HEIs to the Evolving Knowledge and Innovation Landscape
The evolving global knowledge environment have a significant impact on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Technological development, shifting labour market demands, and emerging societal challenges are forcing HEIs to rethink their classical roles (focusing on knowledge creation and dissemination) and responsibilities in this new knowledge and innovation landscape. Because of the blurring boundaries between academia and industry, HEIs are becoming key players in innovation ecosystems, requiring strategic adjustments in institutional structures, technological integration, and program portfolio (Etzkowitz, 2003).
In this context, HEIs must align their programs with labour market demands and societal needs. The rise of digital technologies, artificial intelligence and automation, are transforming the labour market and have strong effect on the education sector, necessitating curriculum renewal, new educational models, and the development of lifelong learning opportunities (Aoun, 2017).
This special track seeks to explore how HEIs can effectively respond to these changes, emphasizing institutional adaptability, the related technological developments, and different aspects of program innovation.
This track welcomes a wide range of topics that use integrated approaches of strategic, project, and knowledge management at higher education institutions, including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative, and critical methods, and aims to focus on:
- Institutional transformation and governance: Understanding how HEIs can adapt their governance, organisational structures and strategy to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving knowledge environment.
- Technological integration and digital transformation: The role of digital tools, AI, and automation in renewing the learning and administrative processes at HEIs.
- New program portfolio, program innovation and curriculum renewal: Developing future-ready programs that incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, lifelong learning models, and emerging topics like sustainability, AI, and digital literacy.
- University-industry collaboration and innovation ecosystems: Investigating how HEIs can strengthen their roles in regional and global innovation networks, fostering partnerships with industry, government, and civil society.
- Preparing students for the future labor market: Assessing strategies and frameworks that align educational outcomes with the skills and competencies demanded by future work environments.
- Sustainability and social innovation in HEIs: The role of universities in driving sustainable development and fostering innovation that addresses societal challenges.
Nikolett Deutsch, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Viktória Papp-Horváth, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary