Special track detais

Managing Co-Creation of Cultural Value through AI and Human-Like Interaction

Thematic Area: Digital Transformation
Reference No. of the Track: 61


Technological innovation has become an indispensable element for cultural industries, leading them to rethink their role in the contemporary business environment (Lazzeretti et al., 2022). The process through which these organizations are called upon to create value implies the use of structures and tools capable of providing innovative and interactive approaches to cultural fruition (Sfodera et al., 2020) and involves the entry of new players into the cultural landscape, for the establishment of collaborative practices and knowledge exchange (Schiuma et al., 2021).
Several scholars have emphasized the effects of new technologies on the cultural experience, thus fostering managerial studies focusing on the relationships between cultural organizations and their stakeholders from a value co-creation perspective (Korzynski et al., 2023).
The use of the most innovative technologies in creating and co-creating cultural value allows to overcome the physical distance in the cultural fruition and invest resources to establish a relationship both on-site and online with its users (Clemente et al., 2024).
Among emerging technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced a growing interest from the scientific community and practitioners in various fields due to its numerous potential applications (Dwivedi et al., 2023). In the cultural sector, several professionals reflect on its implementation in both visitor engagement strategies and in the renewal of traditional communication trajectories, as well as the personalization of interaction with users, maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of services (Huang & Rust, 2021).
AI can combine multiple human requests in plain language, generating visual, auditory and textual results at a much faster rate than humans and that can be adapted to a wide range of uses. (Kanbach et al., 2023). Furthermore, the continuous improvement of natural language processing and machine learning enables these tools to become increasingly adept at handling complex interactions, deepening customer engagement and expanding accessibility (Pisoni et al., 2021) to ensure more inclusive cultural services.
Researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in AI applications, especially those based on Large Language Models (LLM), which are essential for rethinking the dynamics of interactions with visitors and capable of becoming cultural mediums for co-creating innovative and highly personalized content.
This track seeks to explore AI’s transformative role in the cultural sector, highlighting its potential to drive new value-creation approaches and foster collaboration between different stakeholders, as well as formulate effective policies to support the implementation of AI within the cultural domain.

Research topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-based services in the cultural sector
  • Value Co-Creation and AI in cultural ecosystems
  • Human-like interactions in the cultural sector
  • AI-driven accessibility tools
  • Innovation and knowledge-sharing practices in the cultural sector
  • Visitor engagement and emerging technologies
  • Best practices and policies for AI implementation in cultural industries
Cultural Ecosystem, AI, Emerging Technology, Digital Transformation, Value Co-Creation, Accessibility


Laura Clemente, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Gesualda Iodice University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Amelia Napolitano, University of Padua, Italy
Francesco Bifulco, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

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